Refund for order placed at an incorrect venue

If you have incorrectly ordered from the wrong venue, please contact the manager of that venue and provide the following information: 

Customer name: 
Customer Order ID: 
Order time: 
Order Status: 
Table Number (If table service): 

Once the venue has the information they should be able to issue the refund. 

If you are still experiencing issues with receiving your refund, please get in touch at

Refund for an order not received  

If your order doesn't arrive, please contact the venue's manager and provide the following information: 

Customer name: 
Customer Order ID: 
Order time: 
Order Status: 
Table Number (If table service): 

Once the venue has the information they should be able to complete your order or issue you a refund. 

If you are still experiencing issues with receiving your refund, please get in touch at